The Strobe Ghost is a lightweight yard display that costs under $20 dollars. The original Strobe Light Ghost can be found on the 2 Scary Guys web site. The strobe light
ghost illuminates the darkness with an eerie effect when strategically placed in a dark area of your yard. Figure 1-1 shows my ghost in daylight.
The strobe ghost uses a pie tin cut in half with two eyes holes cut out for the head. The pie tin is cut in half and both sides are married together to form the head. An
egg strobe is placed between the halves inside the head. What is an egg strobe? It is simply a cheap strobe light fixture in a self-contained clear plastic “egg” that has a standard light bulb base to be
used in a standard light fixture. See figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2 depicts a couple of egg strobe lights. These lights cost around $10.00 and can be found at Cheap Lights. There is a small “tunable/adjustable” switch on the
underside of the egg to adjust the strobe's speed.